Sunday, April 5, 2015


 Well, today is the final day on our expedition of Spain. We are in the city of Benalmaldena, a city that sits next to the mountain ranges of the Sierra Nevada and is on the coast of the Alboran Sea. The mountain ranges are  a sight of beauty. This city is a tourist city and has a lot to do. Many shops, cable car rides up mountains, Sea World, discotechas, and good food. Its only 69 degrees, but sunny. Big difference from Seville where it was in  the 80s and 90s. The weather doesn't seem like it is stopping people from hanging out on the beach though. Word is the water is really, really cold, maybe I should take a dip and see for myself!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

On to the next.......Granada and Benalmadena!

Our final journey on this magnificent tour of Spain ends with us going to Granada and Benalmadena. We could actually take a boat tour to Morocco in Africa, that's how close we will be. These cities lie in the southern most part of Spain.

The students were dropped off by their host families in the morning and it was beautiful to see the bond between them. Students were crying tears of sadness as their experiences were positive. Huge shout out to Mrs.Jones and Mr. Mertens for the hard work they put into making this trip happen. This will be an experience that the students will never forget. It will be one I will never forget. 

But it isn't over yet.........

Friday, April 3, 2015


Another morning in this beautiful city of Seville. Here I am thinking that it is a vacation spot, which it is, but it holds just as much history as any other city in Spain. It is home to Columbus' remains, the 3rd largest Gothic cathedral in the world, a major river, huge mountain ranges nearby, hosted a World Fair, and has the biggest processions in Spain. Everyday and night, streets are packed and people are moving, going from one place to the next. Seville is a historic city that is very important to the history of Spain. Here are some pictures much to see, so much to talk about!

Watch the video below on Seville!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Good morning Seville!

Yesterday was a rough one for me,  I thought I was going to die because of the heat. The forecast said 90, but it felt like 95! We did a tour of the city, by bus and by boat. We watched many Processions because it is Holy Week in Spain and they take it very seriously. I'd say at least 5,000 people crowded the streets to celebrate this religious event. It was something that I will probably never see again in my life. Children, mothers, men,  dressed up from head to toe. The way that they dress is like watching a fashion show, but I won't talk too much about that because that could be a blog all by itself. The Processions went on until about 2:30 in the morning, with people of all cultures taking in this event. There was also good food and lots of fun. This will be going on everyday this week, as it is a big tradition in Seville, as well as Spain. 

 I wanted McDonald's and Starbucks really bad,  so I took a stroll into the downtown area to get some, so I am enjoying that right now. Starbucks only serves  espresso and cappuccinos, so my dark roast will have to wait until I get back home :( it's all good though. The breakfast sandwiches are a little different, but there are some  that are similar to ours in the states. Yes, McDonald's, I am in heaven in a place that is like heaven!